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Question 1 of 10
How do you say "It is fun, right?" in Korean?
I don't know.
Question 2 of 10
How do you say "the movie that I saw yesterday" in Korean?
어제 봤는 영화
어제 본 영화
어제 보는 영화
Question 3 of 10
How do you say "What do you want to drink?/What are you going to drink?" in Korean?
뭐 마실게요?
뭐 마실래요?
뭐 마실까요?
Question 4 of 10
Choose one that best fits in the blank.
지금 ___________?
= Shouldn’t I tell/talk now? / Am I not supposed to tell/talk now?
말할 수 안 돼요
말해도 돼요
말하면 안 돼요
Question 5 of 10
날씨가 ____________.
= The weather has become cold.
Question 6 of 10
______ 올 수 없어요.
= Not everyone can come.
Question 7 of 10
Read the dialogue below, and then choose the correct statement based on the dialogue.
현우: 신발이 너무 귀엽네요.
경은: 저희 딸이 제일 좋아하는 신발이에요.
현우: 아, 그래요?
경은: 네. 핑크색을 제일 좋아해서 이것만 신어요.
Hyunwoo thinks his shoes are cute.
Kyeong-eun's daughter likes pink the most.
They are talking about Hyunwoo's shoes.
Question 8 of 10
승완: 핸드폰을 잃어버렸어요.
경화: 언제요?
승완: 모르겠어요.
경화: 전화를 한번 걸어 보세요.
Kyung-hwa lost Seung-wan's phone.
Seung-wan knows where the phone is.
Kyung-hwa tells Seung-wan to try making a phone call.
Question 9 of 10
Which one of the following is INCORRECT?
이게 제일 좋아요. = This is the best (one).
가장 가까운 역이 어디에요? = Where is the closest station?
훨씬 인기 있는 가수는 누구예요? = Who is the most popular singer?
Question 10 of 10
가끔 서점에 가요. = I sometimes go to the bookstore.
그런 말 정말 자주 들어요. = I hear that really often.
항상 물어보고 싶었어요. = I've often wanted to ask you.